A couple weeks ago, something told me to go into a liquor store near my house. I just had this gut feeling I'd find something unique.
That I did.
A 22oz bottle of Three Floyd's Tenth Anniversary ale. Here's the specs.
Style: American Strong Ale
ABV: 10.5%
Color: Copper
Price: $9.99
Rating: 9/10
Pours a beautiful deep copper. Little head, which quickly faded into a nice lacing. At first sniff I found a bit of a fruity bouquet. A slight scent of apples.
The first drink brought a good dosage of hops. Grapefruit being the strongest flavor. A strong, hoppy beer, not as balanced as Dreadnaught, but not as overkill as something like Hopslam.
It has a good malty base to it, but the hops quickly slap that out of the way.
This is as appropriate a beer for Floyd's tenth anniversary as they come. A hoppy, slight kick in the nuts, American Strong ale. (Their flagship beer is an American Ale called Alpha King).